Browse Abstracts By Name > Striffling Arnaud
PAPYRUS : Overview of the AO On-sky performance Arnaud STRIFFLING, Romain Fetick, Vincent Chambouleyron, Jean-François Sauvage, Cedric Taissir Heritier, Mahawa CISSE, François Leroux, Benoit Neichel, Thierry Fusco, Pierre Jouve, Idir Boudjema
PAPYRUS: one year of on-sky operations Romain Fetick, Vincent Chambouleyron, Edouard Muslimov, Idir Boudjema, Arnaud STRIFFLING, Mahawa CISSE, Cedric Taissir Heritier, Felipe Pedreros Bustos, Esther Soria Hernández, Jacob Taylor, François Leroux, Raissa Camelo, Pierre Jouve
Toward the full control of NCPA with the pyramid wavefront sensor: mastering the optical gains Arnaud STRIFFLING, Cedric Taissir Heritier, Jean-François Sauvage, Alexis Carlotti, Olivier Fauvarque, Romain Fetick, Benoit Neichel, Thierry Fusco
PAPYRUS: current status and updates Romain Fetick, Vincent Chambouleyron, Mahawa CISSE, Idir Boudjema, François Leroux, Arnaud Striffling, Edouard Muslimov, Raissa Camelo, Pierre Jouve, Jean-François Sauvage, Benoit Neichel, Thierry Fusco
A geometrical approach for the calibration of Wave-Front Sensors Cedric Taissir Heritier, Arnaud STRIFFLING, Jean-François Sauvage, Romain Fetick, Olivier Fauvarque, Byron Engler, Markus Kasper
Coupling a pyramid-based AO system to a high contrast arm: dealing with NCPA Arnaud STRIFFLING, Cedric Taissir Heritier, Jean-François Sauvage, Alexis Carlotti, Olivier Fauvarque, Romain Fetick, Benoit Neichel, Thierry Fusco