
Environmental Actions

Being aware of the climate change situation, and the carbon footprint of an international conference, we are putting in place initiatives to make the AO4ELT event as sustainable as possible. As such, we are aiming at:

  • Reduce as much as possible the greenhouse gases produced before and during the congress and work to mitigate them
  • Lessen the resources required, favoring their use at the local level according to availability. Encourage reuse and recycling practices whenever possible.
  • Promote good sustainable practices, eco-gestures to stakeholders involved in the preparation of the congress
  • Work with suppliers, partners, and businesses supporting the sustainability efforts of the congress for environmental, social, and economic benefits

Several actions will be taken, and in particular:

  • Select local companies for food supplies
  • Provide reusable & recycling materials
  • Limit usage of plastics
  • Promote transportation by Train for participants from Europe
  • Encourage and facilitate the organization of satellite meetings (before and after)
  • Implementation of a voluntary policy of compensation of participants’ registrations, providing a selection of local actors
  • Provide remote options, to follow the conference talks


We know that all these actions will not completely erase the environmental impact of the conference, and we encourage everyone to follow as many good practices as possible, so that the AO4ELT conferences will become sustainable.

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