Browse Abstracts By Name > Ford John
GMagAO-X: A First Light Coronagraphic Adaptive Optics System for the GMT Maggie Kautz, Jared Males, Laird Close, Sebastiaan Haffert, Olivier Guyon, Victor Gasho, Fernando Coronado, Olivier Durney, Alexander Hedglen, Jamison Noenickx, John Ford, Tom Connors, Doug Kelly, Richard Demers, Antonin Bouchez
GMagAO-X: A First Light Coronagraphic Adaptive Optics System for the GMT Maggie Kautz, Jared Males, Laird Close, Sebastiaan Haffert, Olivier Guyon, Alexander Hedglen, Victor Gasho, Olivier Durney, Jamison Noenickx, Adam Fletcher, Fernando Coronado, John Ford, Tom Connors, Mark Sullivan, Tommy Salanski, Doug Kelly, Richard Demers, Antonin Bouchez, Breann Sitarski, Patricio Schurter