
Browse Abstracts By Name > Vulcani Benedetta

Towards the MICADO@ELT PSF-R with simulated and real data
Matteo Simioni  1, *@  , Carmelo Arcidiacono  1@  , Andrea Grazian  1@  , Marco Gullieuszik  1@  , Elisa Portaluri  2@  , Benedetta Vulcani  1@  , Roland Wagner  3@  , Anita Zanella  1@  
1 : INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
Vicolo dellÓsservatorio, 5, 35122 Padova -  Italy
2 : Osservatorio Astronomico d'Abruzzo
Via Mentore Maggini, Teramo, TE, 64100 -  Italy
3 : Industrial Mathematics Institute, University of Linz - Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Altenberger Straße 694040 Linz, Austria -  Austria
* : Corresponding author

Observations close to the diffraction limit, with high Strehl ratios from Adaptive Optics (AO)-assisted instruments mounted on ground-based telescopes are a reality and will become even more widespread with the next generation instruments that equip 30 meter-class telescopes. This results in a growing interest in tools and methods to accurately reconstruct the observed Point Spread Function (PSF) of AO systems. We will discuss the performance of the PSF reconstruction (PSF-R) software developed in the context of the MICADO instrument of the Extremely Large Telescope. In particular, we have recently implemented a novel algorithm for reconstructing off-axis PSFs. In every case, the PSF is reconstructed from AO telemetry, without making use of science exposures. We will present the results coming from end-to-end simulations and real AO observations, covering a wide range of observing conditions. Specifically, the spatial variation of the PSF has been studied with different AO-reference star magnitudes. The reconstructed PSFs are observed to match the reference ones with a relative error in Strehl ratio and full-width at half maximum below 10% over a field of view of the order of one arcmin, making the proposed PSF-R method an appealing tool to assist observation analysis, and interpretation.

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