Browse Abstracts By Name > Fauvarque Olivier
How to exactly describe WFS non-linearities with interaction matrices Olivier Fauvarque, Mahawa CISSE, Vincent Chambouleyron, Benoit Neichel, Jean-François Sauvage, Thierry Fusco
Strategy for sensing petal mode in presence of AO residual turbulence with a pyramid wavefront sensor Nicolas Levraud, Mahawa CISSE, Vincent Chambouleyron, Olivier Fauvarque, Jean-François Sauvage, Cedric Plantet, Anne-Laure Cheffot, Guido Agapito, Benoit Neichel, Thierry Fusco, Enrico Pinna, Simone Esposito
Toward the full control of NCPA with the pyramid wavefront sensor: mastering the optical gains Arnaud STRIFFLING, Cedric Taissir Heritier, Jean-François Sauvage, Alexis Carlotti, Olivier Fauvarque, Romain Fetick, Benoit Neichel, Thierry Fusco
A geometrical approach for the calibration of Wave-Front Sensors Cedric Taissir Heritier, Arnaud STRIFFLING, Jean-François Sauvage, Romain Fetick, Olivier Fauvarque, Byron Engler, Markus Kasper
Dynamic and non linear phase reconstruction applied for Fourier Filtering Wave-Front Sensor Mahawa CISSE, Vincent Chambouleyron, Olivier Fauvarque, Nicolas Levraud, Jean-François Sauvage, Benoit Neichel, charlotte bond, Thierry Fusco
Second stage Adaptive Optics with double Zernike mask for future Extreme Adaptive Optics systems on Extremely Large Telescope : theory, simulation and experimental validations Mahawa CISSE, Vincent Chambouleyron, Olivier Fauvarque, Nicolas Levraud, Jean-François Sauvage, Benoit Neichel, charlotte bond, Thierry Fusco
Coupling a pyramid-based AO system to a high contrast arm: dealing with NCPA Arnaud STRIFFLING, Cedric Taissir Heritier, Jean-François Sauvage, Alexis Carlotti, Olivier Fauvarque, Romain Fetick, Benoit Neichel, Thierry Fusco
Using numerical models and iterative algorithms to perform non-linear reconstruction of Fourier-filtering wavefront sensor signals. Vincent Chambouleyron, Maissa Salama, Charlotte Guthery, Olivier Fauvarque, Benjamin Gerard, Jules Fowler, Aditya Sengupta, Maaike Van Kooten, Jacques Robert Delorme, Peter Wizinowich, Dan Echeverry, Nemanja Jovanovich, Yinzi Xin, Kent Wallace, Daren Dillon, Syvain Cetre, Rebecca Jensen-Clem, Bruce Macintosh