
Status report of the SAXO+ opto-mechanical design concept
Eric Stadler  1@  , Emiliano Diolaiti * , Laura Schreiber * , Fausto Cortecchia * , Matteo Lombini * , Magali Loupias * , Yves Magnard * , Adriano De Rosa * , Guiseppe Malaguti * , Didier Maurel * , Gianluca Morgante * , Patrick Rabou * , Sylvain Rochat * , Filomena Schiavone * , Luca Terenzi * , Fabrice Vidal * , Florian Ferreira * , Eric Gendron * , Johan Mazoyer * , Mamadou N'diaye * , Maud Langlois * , Michel Tallon * , Sylvain Rousseau * , Raffaele Gratton * , Julien Milli * , David Mouillet * , Gaël Chauvin * , François Wildi * , Anthony Boccaletti * @
1 : Université Grenoble Alpes
Université Grenoble Alpes
Adresse CS 40700 - 38058 Grenoble cedex -  France
* : Corresponding author

SAXO+[1, 2] is the second-stage adaptive optics module for the SPHERE[3] instrument at VLT, proposed to boost the current performances of detection and characterization of exoplanets and as a pathfinder for the future planet finder (PCS) of the European ELT. It will work in combination with the SAXO[4] first-stage xAO system measuring and reducing the residual wavefront errors. SAXO+ will be implemented on a mezzanine above the main bench and it will be fed by an exchange mechanism deploying a pick-off mirror in order to preserve all the fuctionalities of the original instrument. Optical interfaces at the output are left unchanged for the scientific instruments downstream. We present in this paper the actual status of the SAXO+ baseline opto-mechanical design and its major challenges.

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