
GNAO: the new AO facility for Gemini North, facility overview and project updates
Gaetano Sivo  1@  , Julia Scharwächter  2@  , Masen Lamb  2@  , Manuel Lazo  1@  , Celia Blain  2@  , Stephen Goodsell  2, 3@  , Claudio Gaspar  1@  , Marcos Van Dam  4@  , William Rambold  2@  , Joe D'amato  2@  , Kim Tomasino-Reed  2@  , Martin Tschimmel  1@  , Jennifer Lotz  2@  , Ricardo Cardenes  1@  , Tim Gaggstatter  1@  , Pedro Gigoux  1@  , Thomas Schneider  2@  , Charles Cavedoni  2@  , Stacy Kang  2@  , Stanislas Karewicz  2@  , Heather Carr  2@  , Logan Sato  2@  , Jesse Ball  2@  , Paul Hirst  2@  , John White  2@  , Lindsay Magill  1@  , Molly Grogan  2@  , Suresh Sivanandam  5@  , Adam Muzzin  6@  , Scott Chapman  7@  , Jennifer Dunn  8@  , Dan Kerley  8@  , Jean-Pierre Veran  8@  , Morten Andersen  9@  , Franck Marchis  10@  , Ruben Diaz  1@  , John Blakeslee  2@  , Michael Pierce  11@  , Rodrigo Carrasco  1@  , Hwyhyun Kim  2@  , Anja Feldmeier-Krause  12, 13@  , Alan Mcconnachie  8@  , James Jee  14@  , Wesley Fraser  8@  , Mark Ammons  15@  , Christopher Packham  16@  , John Bally  17@  , Trent Dupuy  18@  , Daniel Huber  19@  , Marie Lemoine-Busserolle  2@  , Thomas Puzia  20@  , Paolo Turri  21@  , Chadwick Trujillo  22@  , Janice Lee  2@  
1 : NSF's NOIRLab / Gemini Observatory
2 : NSF's NOIRLab / Gemini Observatory
3 : Department of Physics [Durham University]
4 : Flat Wavefront
6 : York University
7 : Dalhousie University
8 : NRC Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics
9 : European Southern Observatory
10 : SETI Institute
11 : University of Wyoming
12 : Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
13 : University of Chicago
14 : Yonsei University
15 : Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
16 : The University of Texas at San Antonio
17 : University of Colorado
18 : University of Edinburgh
19 : University of Hawaii
20 : Pontifica Universidad de Chile
21 : University of British Columbia
22 : Northern Arizona University

The Gemini North Adaptive Optics (GNAO) facility is the upcoming AO facility for Gemini North providing a state-of-the-art AO system for surveys and time domain science in the era of JWST and Rubin operations. GNAO will be optimized to feed the Gemini infrared Multi Object Spectrograph (GIRMOS). While GIRMOS is the primary science driver for defining the capabilities of GNAO, any instrument operating with an f/32 beam could be deployed using GNAO. The GNAO project includes the development of a new laser guide star facility which will consist of four side launched laser beams supporting the two primary AO modes of GNAO: a wide-field mode providing an improved image quality over natural seeing for a 2-arcminute circular field-of-view using GLAO and a narrow-field mode providing near diffraction-limited performance over a 20 × 20 arcsecond square field-of-view using LTAO. 

The GNAO wide field mode will enable GIRMOS's multi-IFU configuration in which the science beam to each individual IFU will be additionally corrected using multi-object AO within GIRMOS. The GNAO narrow field mode will feed the GIRMOS tiled IFU configuration in which all IFUs are combined into a “super”-IFU in the center of the field. GNAO will include a new Real Time Controller (RTC), Facility System Controller and new Adaptive Optics Bench, each at different stages of their development lifecycle. 

We present an overview of the GNAO facility, its science goals and provide a status update of the development of each facility product.


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